No matter how hectic the modern lifestyle is, regular check-ups or doctor appointments are some things that should not take lightly.
It might be something as mundane as an annual body checkup, regular visits for outpatient treatments like kidney dialysis, or even a visit to the dentist (even though they are not doctors), etc, these types of events were deemed to be important enough to warrant date selection so as the stars are aligned for things to go smoothly without and road bumps.
These days the above concept is applied to a huge variety of healing related activities such as cancer treatment sessions, cesarean child surgeries, surgical procedures, IPL hair removal appointments, spa therapies, muscle recovery and all other types of health-related events that concerns the body and mind.
When choosing a day for surgery for example, a main factor a date selection expert would typically look for is the heavenly doctor (天醫).
This shensha (symbolic star) is essentially a bazi (八字) and zi wei dou shu (紫微斗数) concept that enables one to identify an earthly branch as his or her heavenly doctor.
The application of this concept is that once you have identified your personal heavenly doctor, you would be able to look out for days when that particular character is most powerful. Those are the most suitable days to schedule the events.
To determine one’s heavenly doctor, reference has to be taken from the season which is the month branch.
Season | Heavenly Doctor (Tian Yi) |
寅 | 丑 |
卯 | 寅 |
辰 | 卯 |
巳 | 辰 |
午 | 巳 |
未 | 午 |
申 | 未 |
酉 | 申 |
戌 | 酉 |
亥 | 戌 |
子 | 亥 |
丑 | 子 |
To put it into practice, if one was born in the month of chou (丑) for example, the personal heavenly doctor would be zi (子). So if the option of choosing a date to visit the hospital is available, a day with the zi earthly branch would be suitable.
While this concept forms the basis for such applications of date selection, do note that there are exceptions that can result in avoiding certain dates even though your heavenly doctor is active.
This could be that it happens to be the month breaker (月破), day breaker (日破), 5 yellow (五黄), etc.
When there is such a conflict of energies, a date selection reader needs to weigh up the pros and cons and determine whether the activity can still be conducted.
Choosing an alternative date might be the simplest solution.