
A Heavenly Doctor Day Is A Good Date To Visit The Hospital

No matter how hectic the modern lifestyle is, regular check-ups or doctor appointments are some things that should not take lightly.

It might be something as mundane as an annual body checkup, regular visits for outpatient treatments like kidney dialysis, or even a visit to the dentist (even though they are not doctors), etc, these types of events were deemed to be important enough to warrant date selection so as the stars are aligned for things to go smoothly without and road bumps. read more


Avoiding Yin Yang Error Days For Moving In Date

The date in which a family moves into a new home hold great significance in Chinese culture.

So much so that various metaphysical arts have delved into the subject in a detailed manner. Some are singular systems that are solely focused on moving in alone.

One of the over-reaching concepts of moving in date selection is the yin error (陰錯) and yang error (陽錯). They can sometimes also be termed as yin mistake and yang mistake. read more


Avoid The Star Of Loneliness On Your Wedding Day

It should go without saying that couples who are planning to get married are in it for the long haul.

It would defeat the purpose of getting married if either party cannot see a long term relationships materializing from tying the knot.

While choosing auspicious wedding days play a role in keeping the union of 2 people harmonious, avoiding a bad day to get married can be just as important. read more


12 Day Gods

The 12 day gods (建除十二值神) is a basic level date selection method that is straight forward enough for almost anybody to put into practice immediately. It is sometimes also known as the 12 day officers or 12 day stars.

This date selection system essentially states that there are 12 gods (or 12 deities) that take turns governing each day. read more


How To Select New House Moving In Date With Xuan Kong Da Gua

Moving into a new house is an activity that is significant enough for various Chinese metaphysics systems to set aside a dedicated section to.

A big reason for this is that by moving in, the energy of man is brought into play with reference to the cosmic trinity of heaven-earth-man.

Not only that.

With the entrance of man, the yang energy of life force acts as a catalyst for metaphysical engines to get started. read more


Hsia Calendar

The Hsia Calendar is a dating system that accounts for the position of the sun with reference from the earth.

It is thus often called the solar calendar (夏历). Over the centuries, it has also adopted various aliases including the ten thousand year calendar (万年历) which has become very common in modern times. read more